Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What A Single Gal Loves About Valentines Day...

Its always interesting to see how all the Single Gals out there react to the dreaded... Single Awareness Day...(dun dun DUN!). This is me, a Single Gal myself, telling all you Single Gals out there... Its just another day. Now, I'm also going to tell you... even though it is just another day, for a Single Gal, it can be awfully rough... I understand, promise. From the annoying Gals out there, that I like to call, the IGBBE Gal, which translates into I've Got the Best Boyfriend Ever Gal... To the FUDGE Fellas, which I believe translates into Forgot Until DayB4, Girlfriend (thinks I'm) Everything kinda Fella. Gross... not a fan of either really. I've had those Valentines Days that have been on a fair to moderate basis on me actually loving the day in itself. This year Gals, lets focus this day on what we love. Who needs a Fella in their life to remind them of all things they love? And who needs one day for a Fella to make them to feel loved only one day out of the whole year? Not me. Today I made a list of 14 things that I absolutely LOVE. Not just things that deserve only one day to have me show them some love, but I love these things everyday of my life. :) 1- When a great song comes on in my car, and I belt it out at the top of my lungs... 2- Making someone laugh and smile... 3- When I go shopping and find a great deal, especially on cute clothes that make me feel like a million bucks :)... 4- Receiving something in the mail from someone that I love... 5- Laughing until I cry... 6- Seeing people I know in public... 7- Being around my family... 8- Having things clean, organized, and smellin' fantastic... 9- Good smelling shampoo that makes my hair soft... 10- Getting good grades and accomplishing goals... 11- Making a Big Gulp or Blizzard run off the random... 12- Awkward funny experiences... 13- Classic movies and TV shows I can watch a million times and they won't ever get old... 14- When a good lookin' Fella, that more than likely has super nice arms and teeth, walks by and leaves a trail of smellin' delish scent behind him and I just so happen to be there to take it all in...
"You do not need to be loved, not at the cost of yourself. The single relationship that is truly central and crucial in a life is the relationship to the self. Of all the people you will know in a lifetime, you are the only one you will never lose." - Jo Courdert
This is me, The Single Gal... Wishing all you Single Gals out there a Happy Valentines Day... Keep that chin up..flash that gorgeous smile, I know everyone is capable of.. and show the world how great you are EVERYDAY... Happy Valentines Day Gals!!!