Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Single Gal is Grateful to be a Daughter of God

Dating, and being a Single Gal can be such a task in itself. That's why I was inspired to blog about being a Single Gal. To lift heavy hearts with laughter, to make other Gal's out there know they are not alone, and to make sure all Gal's know of their great worth. The dating phase of life can be hard, let's face it. Such is a time to discover who you are, what you stand for, and where you want to be. I too find myself,trying to figure out why I am here, where I am going, and who I want to be. Purpose. Its what everyone whats to feel. A many time, people think their purpose is to find love. Yes, this is a part of life, but it is not the sole purpose of it. We each have a purpose, and it is our right to figure out that purpose. Living for something, for a purpose, is so much more fulfilling than living for the hope of achieving someone's unreachable love. Happy is the heart of living for the betterment of others, and reaching outside ourselves to help other's on their way. Finding a purpose doesn't happen overnight. It takes time. It takes patience. It takes persistence. And it takes an example. Being a Single Gal means too, that you are a Daughter of God. The cool thing about being a Daughter of God, is that it is everlasting. What a comfort. You are never alone through all of this. Through the heartaches, through the discouragement, through the trials, and even through the happy joyful times.. The Lord is there. ..always.. and forever.. And his Son, Jesus Christ.. has felt ALL. There are times when I feel like there is no one in the world who knows how I feel. Guess what? Christ does. He understands. And I claim him as my Best Friend.
I know this Single Gal, would not be the Gal she is today if it weren't for her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I once thought it was silly to talk about things going on in my life with the Lord when I talk to him through prayer. But its not. I'm a Daughter of God, and he is my Father in Heaven. And aren't Fathers supposed to be interested in their Daughter's lives? Yes. And he is! He is the Prince of Peace and Understanding. He is Love. He is always there. I could write a million and one blog posts about being a Single Gal, and offer some laughter and some understanding. But yet, I can't cover everything that every Gal feels, and my posts can only mend so much. Christ mends all. If your heart is broken, your trials are heavy, or you have no one to turn to.. turn to your Savior. He is your very best friend. I promise.
One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Scenes from his life flashed across the sky and he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, one belonging to him and the other to the Lord.
When the last scene of his life had flashed before him, he recalled that at the lowest and saddest times of his life there was only one set of footprints. Dismayed, he asked,"Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. I don't understand why, when I needed you most, you would leave me."
The Lord replied, "My precious child. I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering when you saw only one set of footprints... That was when I carried you." Poem, Footprints
I am the Single Gal, and I am a Daughter of God.

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